Category: Computer Science

Brand new courses from Harvard
Computer Science

Brand new courses from Harvard

Thumula Basura Suraweera- October 4, 2023

New courses from Harvard, on October 2, 2023, Harvard launched two CS50 courses. This is an overview about these new free cs50 courses. Let's take ... Read More

Understanding User Inputs in the C Programming Language
C Programming

Understanding User Inputs in the C Programming Language

Thumula Basura Suraweera- September 9, 2023

Understanding User Inputs in the C Programming Language, User input is one of the main functions of interactive applications. These user input functions allow users ... Read More

How to Create a Sudo User in CentOS Linux

How to Create a Sudo User in CentOS Linux

Thumula Basura Suraweera- July 20, 2023

How to create a sudo user in CentOS 8. The sudo command is used to grant an administration privilege, also known as root privileges to ... Read More

Top 5 Linux Distros in 2023 – Let’s Learn about Linux
Computer Science

Top 5 Linux Distros in 2023 – Let’s Learn about Linux

Thumula Basura Suraweera- August 5, 2020

What is the best Linux distro in 2023? What is Linux & what was that?, Welcome to Think & Free, So let's see what the ... Read More

Express Learning Programming – Constants in C
Computer Science

Express Learning Programming – Constants in C

Thumula Basura Suraweera- July 17, 2020

Hello everyone! Welcome back to the Think & Free. This is Another episode of Our Express Learning Programming series with GNU C Programming language. Today ... Read More

Escape Sequences in C
C Programming

Escape Sequences in C

Thumula Basura Suraweera- June 20, 2020

Hello everyone, Welcome back to Think & Free. This is the fifth episode of our Express Learning Programming lesson series and today I'm going to ... Read More

How to use Variables and Format Specifiers In C
Computer Science

How to use Variables and Format Specifiers In C

Thumula Basura Suraweera- June 11, 2020

Hello there! Gain with another lesson with the Express Learning programming C language tutorial. Here is the story about variables in the C language and ... Read More

How to use comments in C
Computer Science

How to use comments in C

Thumula Basura Suraweera- June 8, 2020

Hello Everyone, Welcome back to Think & Free. Here is another episode of Express Learning Programming with the C Programming Language Programming Series. If you ... Read More

How To Set Environment Variables for GCC On Windows
Computer Science

How To Set Environment Variables for GCC On Windows

Thumula Basura Suraweera- June 6, 2020

How To Set Environment Variables for GCC On Windows, Hey There!, Welcome Back to Think & Free. In the previous lesson, I showed you, how ... Read More

Express Learning – How To Install GCC On Windows
Computer Science

Express Learning – How To Install GCC On Windows

Thumula Basura Suraweera- June 4, 2020

Welcome back to Think & Free. Here is Another Episode of the Express Learning Tutorial Series. But Not a Programming lesson. Today I will show ... Read More